Ricardo DaCunha

“The humankind is in great need for Love. Love and kindness is our best father and mother, embrace all your neighbors with no boundaries and happiness shall come.”
Born in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, Graduated as Mathematician, worked as Electronic Technician in a Hydraulic Power Plant and as Computer Programmer. As I matured over the years I had the urge to seek within, to evolve in spirituality; it was through meditation that led me to the way. As I'm evolving (26 years and counting) I went from a meditation practitioner to a holistic healer practitioner. Today with more than 8000 Reiki sessions experienced I continue to expand my channeling abilities, and in doing so bring clients to a very fast pathway to healing and transformation.
I am a very inspiring Reiki Master Teacher, bringing lots of insights, based on countless hours of transcendental realm experiences. My 18 years of leading numerous Reiki Classes have inspired more then 500 new Reiki practitioners of all walks of life: from nurses, masseuses, engineers, hospice volunteers, house wife, carpenters, college students, bankers, teachers, yoga teachers, etc... My passion is to able people on the path with a greater sense of love, peace and well being. I enjoy my early professional years and now continued to do so by helping people to heal and transform to a happier life. I have been blessed with no sufferings in this life, looking back I see protection all my life, always believed in Love and in People, and always will. That all people can experience the Timeless and Infinite Bliss of the Light and Love we are.
Born in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, Graduated as Mathematician, worked as Electronic Technician in a Hydraulic Power Plant and as Computer Programmer. As I matured over the years I had the urge to seek within, to evolve in spirituality; it was through meditation that led me to the way. As I'm evolving (26 years and counting) I went from a meditation practitioner to a holistic healer practitioner. Today with more than 8000 Reiki sessions experienced I continue to expand my channeling abilities, and in doing so bring clients to a very fast pathway to healing and transformation.
I am a very inspiring Reiki Master Teacher, bringing lots of insights, based on countless hours of transcendental realm experiences. My 18 years of leading numerous Reiki Classes have inspired more then 500 new Reiki practitioners of all walks of life: from nurses, masseuses, engineers, hospice volunteers, house wife, carpenters, college students, bankers, teachers, yoga teachers, etc... My passion is to able people on the path with a greater sense of love, peace and well being. I enjoy my early professional years and now continued to do so by helping people to heal and transform to a happier life. I have been blessed with no sufferings in this life, looking back I see protection all my life, always believed in Love and in People, and always will. That all people can experience the Timeless and Infinite Bliss of the Light and Love we are.
- Meditation practitioner 32 years, since 1990
- Kundalini spontaneously awakened for the past 28 years, since 1993.
- Reiki practitioner 25 years, since 1996.
- Reiki Master Teacher 19 Years, since 2003, with over 500 new practitioners taught.
- Full time Reiki practitioner 18 years, since 2004, with over 8000 sessions experienced.
- Bach Flower Essences practitioner 17 years, since 2005
- EFT practitioner (Emotional Freedom Technique) 14 years, since 2008
- Languages spoken: English, Spanish and Portuguese.